Galliova Awards

The Galliova Awards (Galli= Latin for chicken, ova = egg) are awarded annually to the best food and health media in South Africa

Galliova Awards 2024

The 35th Galliova Awards were held on Friday, 18 October 2024 at Utopia Dining Elevated, in Cape Town. The ceremony was attended by awards finalists and invited guests, along with Galliova sponsors, the Egg and Broiler Producers of the South African Poultry Association (SAPA).


The Galliova Awards honour excellence in local food and health writing as well as the overall promotion of South African food. The awards are traditionally held the week after World Egg Day, which is marked annually around the globe on the second Friday of October.


The winners of the 2024 Galliova Awards are as follows:

Galliova Food Writer of the year:

  1. Christi Nortier
  2. Arina du Plessis

Galliova Food Stylist of the year:

  1. Herman Lensing
  2. Johané Neilson

Galliova Health Writer of the year:

  1. Lydia van der Merwe
  2. Glynis Horning

Galliova Egg Champion of the year:

  1. Vickie de Beer
  2. Arina du Plessis

Galliova Chicken Champion of the year:

  1. Johané Neilson
  2. Herman Lensing

Galliova Digital Content Creator of the year:

  1. Sam Linsell
  2. Georgia East

Galliova Egg Hero of the year:

  1. Sinoyolo Sifo
  2. Sam Linsell

Galliova Champion of the year:

  1. Sam Linsell