SAPA Board Members
Occasionally the question is put what SAPA actually does for the industry. This is a valid question that requires regular reconsideration. Recent issues that SAPA has dealt with:
- Tariffs
- Agricultural trade policy
- Curtailing smuggling
- Food safety issues
- Veterinary matters
- Feed matters
- Training and technology transfer
- Statistics
- Congresses, exhibitions and workshops
- Member liason and information dissemination
- Generic advertising of eggs
- Developing poultry farmers
- Target group liason
- Individual committees attend to sub-sector specifics
- Codes of practice
- Accreditation of hatcheries
- Monitoring of developments in the industry’s environment
SAPA is indeed a medium and catalyst for any matter the industry wishes to collectively address.

Willie Bosoga
Aldabri400 Pty Ltd

Colin Steenhuisen

Adel van der Merwe
Quantum Foods

Nic Elliot

Jake Mokwene
Kwena Chicks

Marthinus Stander
RCL Foods

Aziz Alie Sulliman
AA Quality Chickens

Gary Arnold
Astral Operations
Broiler Board Members
The SAPA Broiler Organization represents commercial broiler producers with the intention to serve the interests of the broiler industry on a national level. The objectives of the Broiler Organization are to establish and maintain a national organization in South Africa for the promotion, development and guidance of the broiler industry, as an independent subsidiary of the South African Poultry Association.
The purpose of the organization is to promote and advance all matters tending toward the improvement of the broiler and allied industries including production, grading, packing, transportation, storage and marketing by:
- Securing profitable production to provide adequate supplies of broiler products to the consuming public.
Protection of the broiler producer and/or industry from adverse legislation and any other aggression, and initiating, fostering and assisting in obtaining legislation and regulations beneficial to the broiler and allied industries.
- Improvement of production, testing, grading, packing, transportation, storage, marketing and export of broiler productions, and the means in this regard.
- Setting and revising of marketing standards.
- Encouragement of poultry education and training, conducting and/or assisting in investigational work of a practical and scientific nature, and the organization of seminars or courses.
- Publishing literature, journals, pamphlets and circulars dealing with all matters pertaining to the broiler industry and conducting propaganda on behalf of this industry.
- Acting as arbitrators in the settlement of any dispute in the interests of members which may arise in any matter pertaining to the broiler or allied industries.
- Dealing with any matter which may be in the interest of the Industry, the Organization and its members.
- Submitting individual data to the SAPA office for establishing a suitable statistical system to further the aims of the SAPA.
The membership of the Broiler Organisation of SAPA shall consist of:
Ordinary Members
- Shall be persons, companies or organisations who are producers of broilers.
- At no time shall the members who are not ‘Bona Fide Producers’, as defined under Clause 2.7, exceed 30% (thirty percent) of the total ordinary membership.
- In the case of companies or organisations, the membership shall be vested in an individual nominated by such company or organisation.
Honorary Life Members
- Elected by the Annual General Meeting for services rendered. There shall not be, at any time, more than two honorary life members.
Associate Members
- Associate members who are involved with the commercial poultry industry but do not qualify to be members of any of the official Southern African Poultry Association affiliates, will carry one vote only and pay the minimum subscription fee.

Marthinus Stander
Large Commercial
RCL Foods

Aziz Sulliman
AA Quality Chickens

Gary Arnold
Astral Operations

Jake Mokwena
Contract Grower
Kwena Chicks

Leon de Villiers
Large Producer
Bushvalley Chickens

Nomia Biko
Small Commercial
Cheyela Farming

Tumisang Mokwene
Contract Grower
Phetogo F Enterprise

Devin Isemonger
Large Producer
Anca Poultry

Brendon de Boer
Large Commercial
Country Bird Holdings

Frans van Heerden
Large Producer
Astral Operations

Sbusiso Mavuso
Contact Grower
Kwamhlanga Poultry Project

Sas Kasselman
Grain Field Chickens

Deon Fourie
Fouries Poultry

Wouter de Wet
Large Producer
Rainbow Chicken

Yolanda Philison
Small Farmer
Phirima Agrarian Services

Jimmy Murray
Contract Grower
Quantum Foods
Egg Board Members
The objective of the egg organisation is to establish and maintain an organisation in South Africa for the promotion, development and guidance of the commercial egg industry as an independent subsidiary branch of the South African Poultry Association equal in status to that accorded other subsidiary branches of the poultry industry.
The purpose of the Egg Organisation [and its Committee] is to improve the egg industry and promote it on a national level. This entails a critical evaluation of the methodology of control structures, achieving a higher level of operational input, liaising with Government on crucial matters, liaising with consumer bodies, and striving to build a stronger image for the egg industry on an on-going basis. Improvements in the industry can be measured by an increase in egg consumption per capita in South Africa. Eggs are “good for you”.
Also aiming to improve and promote the egg industry across the country, the Egg Organisation:
- Critically evaluates the methodology of regulatory structures.
- Supports an industry code of practice.
- Liaises with government and consumer bodies.
- Collects, compiles and distributes statistics.
- Support training.
- Builds brand awareness to grow the market for the egg industry through the successful ‘Eggs are Magic’ campaign.

Willie Bosoga
Small Commercial
Aldabri400 Pty Ltd

Colin Steenhuisen
Large Commercial
Highveld Egg

Adel Van Der Merwe
Large Commercial
Quantum Foods

Nic Elliot
Large Commercial
Ulusha Projects

DR Naude Rossouw
Large Commercial
Rossouw Poultry

Achmad Brinkhuis
Small Commercial
Chamomile Farming Enterprises

Beverly Mhlabane

Tawfeeq Brinkhuis
Small Commercial
Chamomile Farming Enterprises

Annelie Fischer
Large Commercial
WW Bartlet Poultry Farm

Vincent Sharp

AJ Wohlfahrt
Large Commercial
Wohlfahrt Poultry Farm

Marco Torsius
Large Commercial
El-Azaar Poultry Farm cc

Amos Selaledi
Quantum Foods

Matsobane Mpyana
National Agricultural Marketing Council

Atlegang Moloko
Eggspert Eggs
Baramakama Poultry

Stephan Botha
Large Commercial
Eggspert Eggs
The membership of the Egg Organisation of SAPA shall consist of:
Ordinary Members
- Ordinary members who/which are egg producers and whose membership shall be related to the equivalent number of commercial egg layers held as contemplated in Clause 2.7 above (where the number of egg layers are calculated from net eggs marketed, on an assumed 80% hen-day production, being considered the average laying percentage per egg layer per producer and disregarding eggs bought in from other Egg Organisation members).
Honorary Life Members
- Elected by the Annual General Meeting for services rendered. There shall not be, at any time, more than five Honorary Life Members.
Associate Members
- Associate members who are involved with the commercial poultry industry but do not qualify to be members of any of the official Southern African Poultry Association affiliates, will carry one vote only and pay the minimum subscription fee.